Additional URL Attributes

BL.INK's custom attributes functionality empowers users to create and track their links without the need for third-party UTM builders. With this feature, enterprise users can apply unlimited custom tags to their links and QR codes, streamlining their marketing campaigns and boosting analytical insights.

How to set up Additional URL Attributes

When setting up your link template, you can assign custom functions to your additional URL attributes. This ensures the system will automatically populate the correct UTM parameters for you. However, it's crucial to have all the necessary attributes in place before assigning them to your link template or link's Additional URL Attributes. For instance, if you want to track utm_source, you must first have the corresponding attribute created for it.

For creating Attribute values check the following article.

Based on the image, you can see the generated additional URL Based on Attribute Keys, so {{utm_soruce}} is the attribute key of the "UTM source" attribute label.

Assigning Additional URL Attributes to Your Link Template

Once you’ve assigned Additional URL Attributes to your link template, users creating links based on that template must select the appropriate attributes to ensure the UTM parameters are correctly applied. For example, if your link template is designed to include utm_campaign, the user must select the correct campaign value from the available attributes.
Admin panel > Link Template > Create Link Template > Additional URL Attributes

Enforcing UTM Parameter Selection

To ensure users follow the correct rules for UTM parameters, you can make the relevant attributes required. This guarantees that users creating links will choose from the available attribute list, which in turn will ensure the UTM parameters are applied properly and the links function as intended.

By enforcing required attributes, you can be confident that users won’t skip key selections and your links will consistently be tracked with the right UTM parameters.

For example, you could set the following UTM parameters:


This setup ensures that when the attribute utm_source is populated, it will automatically generate the corresponding UTM source parameter, which can be tracked in your analytics.

Simply paste your destination URL without the UTM parameters, add the attribute values, and BL.INK will automatically append the UTM parameters to your link.

Viewing Your Link with UTM Parameters

Once your link is ready, you can preview it with the attached UTM parameters in the Destination Preview section. This allows you to double-check that all tracking information is correctly set up.


If the same UTM attribute (e.g., utm-medium) is present both in the destination URL and the BLINK configuration, the value from BLINK will take precedence and be used when the short link is clicked. Additional UTM attributes in the destination URL: If the destination URL contains UTM attributes (e.g., utm-medium, utm-source, utm-term) that are not configured in BLINK, the missing attribute (e.g., utm-term) will be retained from the destination URL and included in the final link when clicked. Example: If the destination URL has utm-medium, utm-source, and utm-term, and BLINK only specifies utm-medium and utm-source, the final link will use the BLINK values for utm-medium and utm-source but include utm-term from the destination URL. This ensures a combination of BLINK-specified and destination-specified UTM parameters in the final link.

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