Managing Automated Link Archiving and Deletion in BLINK

Learn how BLINK’s automated platform hygiene rules help maintain an organized system by archiving and deleting inactive links, and how you can manage these settings within your account.

To enhance system efficiency and prevent inactive links from cluttering your BLINK account, BLINK has introduced a new option for Enterprise customers that automates platform hygiene rules for data retention. These rules archive and delete inactive links based on configurable retention policies. Users also have the flexibility to manage exclusions, ensuring important links remain active.

Archiving and Deletion Rules

Archiving Rules

A link will be archived if:

  • It has been inactive for a set number of months (default: 12 months) with no clicks or scans.
  • It has not been modified during this period.

Actions for Archived Links:

  • The link’s destination URL will be redirected to a designated homepage.
  • The archive date will be recorded.
  • A retention status attribute will be applied and can be used to filter within the Links table.

Deletion Rules

A link will be deleted if:

  • It has a valid retention status attribute, AND
  • It has been archived for 6 months (default) (total inactivity of 18 months).

Actions for Deleted Links:

  • The link will be permanently removed from the system.
  • Its destination URL will lead to a 404 error page.
  • All associated engagement and click data will be permanently erased.

Managing Exclusions

Opt Out Option

Users can prevent specific links from being archived or deleted by applying the Retention Status attribute. Simply navigate to the short link, click on Edit and toggle the Retention Status to On:

This will flag the link with a Do Not Delete status and the link will be omitted from the automated process.

Other Retention Status Values

  • Pending Archive - Assigned to links scheduled for archiving within 30 days.
  • Archived - Assigned to links that have been automatically archived.

Other Exclusions

Admins may request for other exclusions. Please contact your CSM to discuss options for opting out large groups of links based on a specific parameter or attribute.

Notifications and Alerts

To ensure users are informed, BLINK provides notifications at key stages:

  • 30 Days Before Archiving: Users receive an email notification with details and management options.

  • 30 Days Before Deletion: Users receive an email alert before permanent deletion.

  • Admin View: Admins can access a dedicated system view to track and manage archived links.

Impact on Data

  • Archived Links: Engagement and click data will be preserved, but the link will no longer generate new click or scan information.

  • Deleted Links: All data associated with the link will be permanently erased.

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