Path Domains

In today's globalized market, enterprises need flexible and scalable solutions to manage their online presence across different regions, brands and languages. Path Domains (formerly Market Domains) is a powerful feature that enables enterprise users to create multiple domains using the same root domain, tailored for various markets or brands.

What are Path Domains?

Path Domains allow Enterprise customers to add a domain and the market prefix as a separate domain in their account.

Why would I want to use Path Domains?

It allows an account to segment their online operations by using a unified root domain across different paths. For instance, a global brand like Nespresso can leverage a single root domain to cater to multiple countries and/or languages while maintaining uniformity across different markets. Examples include:




Primary reasons corporations may use path domains is to create uniformity across brands, locations, and languages.

How do Path Domains work?

After the domains are added to the account, the user is able to create short links on a base domain. Each separate market can create and manage links utilizing the same base domain or use their market prefix.  Every link created follows the same naming conventions and separate markets can manage their own links, users, and access.  

Each market prefix is treated as a separate domain within BL.INK so that access is allocated to each market.  This simplifies access controls and helps to easily maintain corporate governance. 

These domain names behave just like a regular domain name expect the domain name is followed by a slash and two character language code.  They are easily found in your domain drop down menu at the top of the BLINK page.

How do I add a Path Domain to my account?

If you are interested in path domains, please contact us or reach out you customer service manager.The BLINK team does need to add these domains on your behalf to your account.

What are the benefits of using Path Domains?

The benefits of using a Path domain include the ability to have more market-specific segmentation, automated link structuring, and more flexibility with your root domain.

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