BLINK Enterprise Release Notes

Jul 12, 2024


API Support for Retrieving QR Codes with Specified Template and Format

  • We are excited to announce an expansion of our API capabilities to support the retrieval of QR codes with specified templates and formats. This enhancement allows for greater customization and flexibility when generating QR codes through our API.

Bug Fixes

Logout Button Redirect Issue

  • We have identified and resolved a bug affecting the logout functionality. When users clicked the Logout button, they were being redirected to the BLINK 404 page instead of the login page. This issue has now been fixed to ensure proper redirection.

Attribute Data Export Issue

  • We have identified and resolved a bug affecting the export of attribute data. Users were experiencing a processing error followed by a permissions error when attempting to export attributes. This issue has been addressed to ensure a smooth and error-free export process.

Search Field Enhancement and Bug Fix

  • Search results were loading before users had finished typing, resulting in incomplete searches. The search results will now only load after three or more characters are typed in the search field. A timeout has also been added to delay the automatic update of search results, giving users time to finish typing.

Jun 27, 2024


Enhanced Search Functionality for Multiple BLINK IDs and Link Keywords

  • Users can now paste multiple BLINK IDs or keywords into the search input field. The search will return all links related to the entered BLINK IDs or keywords, making it easier and faster to locate multiple links at once through the Links table.

API Enhancement for Listing Raw Engagement Data by Attribute Value Key

  • The API can now return click or scan data associated with a specified attribute value. Users can access more detailed and granular analytics data through the API, enhancing their ability to analyze engagement metrics.

Enhanced Users Export with Domain and Permissions Information

  • This enhancement includes domain and user permissions information in the exported list of users, providing admins with greater insight into user roles, permissions, and domain access.
  • Export Enhancement: The users export will now contain detailed information on both domain and user permissions.

Enhanced Attributes Support

  • We are pleased to announce an enhancement that allows enterprise users to combine UTM parameters for analytics with text fragments within a URL to deep link users to web apps. This update ensures that the UTM parameters and text links are appended to the URL in the correct order.
  • Enhanced URL Structuring: Users can now combine attributes and text to append to the long URL in the correct order.

SSO Integration for E-Link

  • We are pleased to announce a security enhancement for E-Link. Admin users can now configure Single Sign-On (SSO) for E-Link pages, ensuring that only authenticated members of your organization can access and create short links and QR codes.
  • Admins can now configure SSO for E-Link pages that require members of the organization to log in using their corporate credentials and ensures that only authenticated users can access the E-Link page and create links and QR codes.

Bug Fixes

Created Date Filter in Links Table

  • We have identified and resolved a bug that was affecting the functionality of the Created Date filter in the Links table. Previously, users were unable to apply the Created Date filter, which resulted in an inability to filter links based on their creation date. Users can now successfully filter links based on the Created Date attribute in the Links table.

Bug Fix for API Call Load Time

  • The bug causing the extended load time has now been fixed. The load time for the API call has significantly decreased, leading to more efficient use of the API.

Bug Fix for mailto:// Protocol Links

  • We have identified and resolved a bug affecting links with the mailto:// protocol as a destination URL in BLINK. Previously, creating a link that pointed to a mailto:// destination would result in a 404 error when attempting to redirect. Links with the mailto:// protocol now redirect correctly, automatically opening a new email with the email address entered automatically.

New Features

Automatic Archival Date for Links

  • We are excited to introduce a new feature that allows users to set an automatic archival date from the UI when creating a new link. This feature ensures that links are automatically retired and redirected to relevant content without requiring manual intervention.
  • Key Features and Benefits:
    • Automatic Archival DateUsers can set an archival date when creating a new link. The link will be automatically archived on the specified date.
    • Retention of Historical DataArchived links and their associated click data will remain in the account. Users can view historical data even after the link is archived.
    • Redirect Behavior for Archived LinksArchived links will no longer redirect to the set destination URL. Instead, they will redirect to the home page setting configured by the customer. This ensures that the audience is always redirected to relevant content when clicking on an archived short link.
    • Efficiency and AutomationThis feature eliminates the need for users to log in and manually update links at a set time. Provides peace of mind that links will be retired as scheduled

Jun 18, 2024


Date Format Update

  • The date format in both the API and UI has been updated to follow the ISO 6801 standard. This ensures consistency and compatibility across various systems and applications.

CSV and Excel Import Improvements

  • The Long URL column in the CSV and Excel import files has been updated to accurately reflect the Destination URL field. This enhancement ensures that the imported URLs are correctly represented and processed.

API Enhancement for Raw Engagement Data

  • The number of links per page returned in the raw engagement endpoint of the API has been adjusted for quicker data retrieval. This improvement enhances the efficiency of data analysis and reporting.

Bug Fixes

Link Import Error Fix

  • Fixed a bug that was causing errors during the link import process. This fix ensures a smoother and more reliable import experience.

Jun 11, 2024


Keyword Prefix in Link Template Creation

  • Admins can now set up a keyword prefix during Link Template creation. If configured, the keyword prefix will automatically apply to links created with the link template.
  • This enhancement allows users to easily identify links created with a specific template, streamlining link management and improving organizational efficiency.

Bug Fixes

Improved Dropdown Display for Link Owner and Groups

  • This fix ensures that the link owner and groups dropdowns are now displayed alphabetically, making navigation and sorting easier for users.
  • Users can quickly find and select link owners and groups, improving overall efficiency and user experience.

May 17, 2024


Integrated Link and QR Code Templates

  • Admin users can now connect a QR template with a link template. This new feature allows admins to set a default QR template for any links created with the link template.
  • Users can quickly and seamlessly download the correct branded QR code for their marketing campaigns, ensuring consistency and compliance with branding guidelines.

May 2, 2024


Bulk Assignment of Links to Groups

  • To streamline the process of link collaboration, we have enhanced the Groups feature by enabling bulk assignment capabilities. Users can now select multiple links from the Links page and assign them to one or more groups simultaneously. This improvement saves time and simplifies the workflow for managing link access and collaboration within groups.

Expanded API Access Token Availability

  • In our ongoing efforts to enhance user accessibility to BLINK’s API, we now provide an API access token to all users on their My Account page. This update extends the ability to connect with our API to all user levels, previously restricted to only domain admins and account admins, enabling more robust integration options for all of our users.

Bug Fixes

Search and Filtering for Link Admins

  • We've resolved an issue that prevented Link Admins from using custom search and filtering options on the Links table. With this update, all functionality has been restored, and Link Admins can now effectively utilize the search and custom filters to manage links more efficiently.

Apr 26, 2024


Destination Preview Field Enhancement 

  • Changed the field previously known as Full URL to Destination Preview to provide a clearer user experience.

  • Updated the tooltip to provide even more clarity on the purpose and function of the field.

  • Adjusted the appearance in the Link Edit and Link Create drawers to signify that this field is not editable, ensuring customers understand its purpose.

Destination Preview Image Enhancement

  • We've optimized the display of destination preview images in the Link Details drawer.

  • Previously, the preview image occupied considerable space, potentially obscuring important link information. We have reduced the size and spacing around the preview image to prioritize the display of crucial link details.

Optimized Link Details Drawer

  • We've enhanced the layout of the Link Details drawer to prioritize important information and improve usability.

  • Minimized padding and whitespace to streamline the presentation of relevant information, making it easier for customers to locate the details they need.

  • Moved the short URL closer to the top of the drawer for improved visibility, ensuring users can quickly access this essential information.

  • Reduced the size of the Engagement banner to create more space for other critical details, enhancing the overall balance and readability of the drawer.

  • Added an edit button to the top right corner of the drawer, enabling customers to take quick actions with ease, enhancing the efficiency of link management tasks.

Field Changes and Tooltip Updates

  • Short URL Tooltip Update

    • Updated the tooltip for the short URL field to "Customize your short link keyword," providing clearer guidance to customers.

  • Long URL Field Renamed

    • Renamed the "Long URL" field to "Destination URL," aligning terminology with industry standards and enhancing clarity.

  • Destination Preview Tooltip Update

    • Updated the tooltip for the Destination Preview field to "Shows a preview of the final destination URL with all attributes applied," ensuring customers understand its purpose.

  • Redirect Types Renamed

    • "Redirect Types" has been renamed to "Redirect Type.”

Updated Sample Excel Import Files

  • The Excel file format has been updated from .xls to .xlsx to ensure better compatibility with current versions of Microsoft Excel.

Added Pagination for User Access and Roles

  • We have introduced pagination functionality when updating a user's access and roles in BLINK. Customers with large numbers of domains can now navigate seamlessly between pages, eliminating the need for endless scrolling.

Bug Fixes

Visibility Fix for Owner Column in Links Tables

  • Previously, standard users were unable to see the Owner column on the Links tables in BLINK.

  • We have resolved this issue, ensuring that all users can now view and filter by the Link Owner column.

  • While standard users can only see their own links, the Link Owner field remains visible to all users, providing valuable information for better link management.

Mar 28, 2024


Enhanced Attribute Ordering in Link Templates

  • Users can now explicitly set the order of attributes in a link template. This change grants greater control over the ordering of custom attributes during link creation.

Trusted Destinations for E-Link

  • Account admins can now designate specific URLs or domains as Trusted Destinations for E-Link. This ensures that only links leading to these approved destinations can be created, adding an extra layer of security and trustworthiness to the E-Link page.

Import Attribute Values from CSV

  • The import streamlines the process of populating picklist and checkbox attributes. This enhancement is designed to significantly reduce the time and effort involved in manually entering custom values for attributes, thereby improving efficiency and usability for our users.

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